Images and text modified from: Cambridge Chronicles (2025)
The Department of Archaeology and the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research are delighted to announce that Professor Gilly Carr, REAL project alumnus Dr Nik Petek-Sargeant and Stanley Jachike Onyemechalu were recognised at the recent Cambridge Awards for Research Impact and Engagement. See the original port on the University of Cambridge Department of Archaeology website and for more information about the awards, see the story on the main University news site.

Runner up in the Early Career Researcher category, Dr Nik Petek-Sargeant (McDonald Institute For Archaeological Research) was selected for his Historical East African Archaeology and Theory (HEAAT) project.

These annual awards, presented by Vice-Chancellor Professor Deborah Prentice and Professor Sir John Aston FRS, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, recognise innovative practices and partnership working across the Engagement, Knowledge Exchange and Impact space.
“We recognise that excellence in research impact and engagement spans a wide range of activity and involves many relevant parties. Applicants are encouraged to include the full breadth of their impact and engagement activity in their submission. We encourage applications which demonstrate impactful long-term collaborations and/or original and inventive approaches that have secured the participation of new communities and partners.” – Public Engagement team
For more information about the awards, see the story on the main University news site.