Below lists some information to be advised for the use of the quadcopter (with or without the camera attached) in the United Kingdom. Thanks to Dave Hay of the Environment Department, University of York, for help compiling this information for REAL members. Air Navigation rules in the United Kingdom Air Navigation: The Order and the […]
Quadcopter with camera for surveying
During a test run of the DJI Phantom II quadcopter on July 22, 2014, the quad flew away and landed in a field. This video was recorded and shows its 2300-meter-long adventure through the University of York campus and to a nearby school field. Dave Hay, from the Environment Department, put this video on YouTube […]
Sediment analyses at Aberystwyth University
By: Colin Courtney Mustaphi and Esther Githumbi July 16, 2014 X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) is a technique that yields detailed information on the geochemistry of sediment cores and can be useful for characterising depositional environments and for palaeoenvironmental interpretations. The XRF analysis was performed at the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences at Aberystwyth University in Wales, UK, […]
Generic Political Map of East Africa
Here is a generic map of East Africa made by Nick Deere from KITE (University of York) that can be used as a study aid to label and take notes on. [TIF file] [JPG file]
SEDIMENT DESCRIPTION Sediment colour is described using the Munsell soil colour charts as the core is extruded. Colour and the point of any colour change are noted in the core log book which also holds the routine sediment analysis data. Troels-Smith description of the sediment may also be needed, in which case the project leader […]
Accumulated sediments contain plant macro and microfossils; lakes, swamp and bog sediments trap evidence from the surrounding environments for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. The plant microfossils provide evidence of historical changes in the surrounding environment. These sediments are the indicators studied in palynology which is concerned with the structure and formation of the pollen grains Pollen analysis can […]
Project Overview – Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL)
Project summary The strong temporal dynamics of the East African landscape and natural-resource distributions have always encouraged people to innovate and adapt to changing conditions. However, the realities of current social and environmental changes are occurring at unprecedented rates and amplitudes. Increasing population growth, changes in patterns of land tenure, industrialization, weak systems of governance, […]
Survey of Kenya visit
The Survey of Kenya, with headquarters in Nairobi, was involved in field mapping alongside the Directorate of Overseas Surveys and Directorate of Colonial Surveys during British colonial rule and remains the main centre of geospatial information in Kenya. The Survey maintains the air photography, maps, cadastrals and geospatial data of Kenya and is an important […]
Obsidian tools
Obsidian is a volcanic extrusive rock with a glassy texture that is very hard and dense. The volcanic glass is usually black in colour, but it can also be dark green and brown. In rare cases trace elements of mineral crystals can cause obsidian to reflect light in various colours, or even the colour spectrum […]
Cartography and Map Resources
Free Maps Political map of East Africa. By Nick Deere (KITE) Mapping in Kenya Institutional Structure: Ministry: Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development Department of Surveys Legal: Survey Act (cap 299) This department implements the Government’s policy of sustainable exploitation of land and its natural resources. It is composed of five divisions namely; Geodetic […]
CLOSED Call for applicants: REAL project PhD at the University of York
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Department Environment Based at University of York – Heslington Campus Hours of work Full-time Contract status Fixed term Salary £37,822 – £40,687 a year Apply by 30/05/2014 Role Description [Job post LINK] The KITE research group in the Environment Department, University of York, has a research position in Environmental Modelling […]
Nyabuiyabui Swamp fieldwork
Nyabuiyabui swamp field work was carried out between 10-12/04/2014 by Colin Courtney Mustaphi, Esther Githumbi who were accompanied by Rebecca Muthoni (Intern at National Museums of Kenya) and Joseph Mutua (BIEA). Nyabuiyabui Swamp is located in Mau forest, Kiptunga block and permission to carry out the field work was granted by the KFS. It […]