Position Experienced researcher Address Institute for archaeology and antique history Uppsala University Box 626 75126 Uppsala Sweden Email franziska.bedorf@arkeologi.uu.se Bio I am currently a postdoctoral researcher within the REAL (Resilience in East African Landscapes) project at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University. Before joining the department in September 2015, I worked […]
Marie Ladekjær Gravesen
Current Position Website Linkedin Google Scholar Biography Marie’s current research interests are climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation and development assistance based at the Danish Institute for International Studies. Marie has a PhD from the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of Cologne, Germany. I have a background in English and Anthropology from University of […]
Marie Ladekjær Gravesen
Position: Early-stage researcher (ESR 10) Address: Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology University of Cologne Albertus-Magnus-Platz D-50923 Cologne Email: marie.gravesen@uni-koeln.de Website: Department webpage Linkedin Biography: I am Marie Ladekjær Gravesen, the ESR 10 of the REAL project. I am affiliated to the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology at University of Cologne. I […]
Michael Bollig contact info
Position: Professor for Anthropology Address: Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology (Institute für Ethnologie) University of Cologne Albertus-Magnus-Platz D-50923 Cologne Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology University of Cologne, Main Building Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Cologne, Germany Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology University of Cologne, Main Building Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Cologne, Germany Email: michael.bollig@uni-koeln.de Website: Ethnology website […]
Esther Githumbi
Position: Post-doctoral Researcher [Google Scholar] Biography: I am a Late Quaternary researcher focussing on landscape changes during the Holocene. My expertise is the use of multiple proxies such as pollen, charcoal, sediment physical and chemical characteristics to develop records of vegetation change, fire history and sediment processes. I have also worked with land-cover reconstruction […]
Nik Petek-Sargeant
Position Postdoctoral researcher Address McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research University of Cambridge Cambridge Zero Maxwell Centre University of Cambridge Biography Nik was an Early Stage Researcher at Uppsala University and part of the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) Innovative Training Network. His PhD research focused on the human-environment relationships of the Ilchamus community in […]
Maxmillian Chuhila contact info
Position: Marie Curie ITN-Early-Stage Researcher and PhD Candidate Address: University of Warwick History Department H029, Humanities Building CV4 7AL Coventry, Uk Email: chuhilamj@yahoo.com or M.J.Chuhila@warwick.ac.uk Website: Supervisor: Bio:
Geert van der Plas
Position: Early-stage researcher Address: Limnology Unit, Department of Biology, Ghent University K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Email: geert.vanderplas@ugent.be Website: UGent webpage LinkedIn profile Supervisor: Dirk Verschuren Bio: Hi, my name is Geert. I am attached to REAL as an ESR, based at Ghent University. I will be reconstructing past landscape and environmental changes in […]
Chris de Bont contact info
Position: Early-stage researcher Address: Department of Human Geography Universitet Stockholms SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden Biography: Hey! My name is Chris de Bont and I am one of the early stage researchers within the REAL Project. As of February 2014, I am based at the Department of Human Geography at Stockholm University, Sweden. I have a […]
Rob Marchant contact info
Position: Professor Address: York Institute for Tropical Ecosystems Environment Department University of York Heslington York YO10 5DD United Kingdom Email: robert.marchant@york.ac.uk Website: Departmental website
Paul Lane
Position: Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Professor Current Address: Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Professor of the Deep History & Archaeology of Africa Department of Archaeology Cambridge University, United Kingdom Email: pjl29@cam.ac.uk Website link Previous address during the REAL project ITN (Professor of Global Archaeology): Institute for Archaeology and Ancient History Uppsala Universitet Box 626 751 26 Uppsala Sweden […]
Benoit Hazard contact info
Position: Researcher Address: Institut interdisciplinaire d’anthropologie du contemporain (IIAC) Centre Edgar-Morin 22, rue d’Athènes 75009 Paris France Email: benoit.hazard@ehess.fr Website: Centre Edgar-Morin website