By: Colin Mustaphi January 9, 2014 Edinburgh, Scotland Introduction: Over January 8-9, 2014, REAL members from the University of York participated in a mini conference about biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of change and mangament of African woodlands. The conference was held at the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI) and the Institute of Geography of […]
REAL-NMK training workshop summary
By: Colin Courtney Mustaphi January 2, 2014 The REAL project and the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) published a workshop summary in the latest issue of Frontiers of Biogeography, the scientific publication of the International Biogeography Society. The combined REAL project and NMK training event was held March 2014 in Nairobi. Click here for an […]
Palaeoenvironmental Sciences Lexicon
Introduction This page presents a glossary of key terms related to the study of past environmental conditions and is aimed at researchers and those interested in related disciplines who benefit from some understanding of palaeoenvironmental sciences to advance multi-disciplinary projects. Authors: Colin J Courtney Mustaphi, Esther Githumbi February 2015 Keywords: palaeo-sciences; palaeoenvironments; research methods; methodology; […]
Researchers study future of Kenya’s ‘last big mountain forest’ | CIFOR Forests News Blog
NAIROBI, Kenya — One forest, myriad functions. The pressure on Kenya’s Mau Forest and the land-use changes occurring in and around it are among the most pressing environmental issues facing the country today, raising questions about the future of the forest—and of the millions of people who depend on the services and products it provides. […]
Members of the REAL York team Colin Courtney-Mustaphi, Esther Githumbi and Rebecca Kariuki attended the FEEDBACKS ON CLIMATE IN EARTH SYSTEM at the Royal Society, London on the 8th-9th December, 2014. As part of the Royal Society scientific programme, the meeting was scheduled to present critical assessment of major feedbacks, including (ice sheets and the carbon cycle) over long […]
The University of York hosted a 6 day training workshop for the REAL members and also invited participants from the environment department and other research groups (CAPACITIE, AAREA, ENVIRON). This was held at the University of York Heslington East Campus and the Department of Archaeology, Kings Manor. The training course 24th-26th was aimed at imparting […]
During the Open PAGES Focus 4 Workshop “Towards a more accurate quantification of human-environment interactions in the past” University of Leuven, Belgium 3-7 February 2014. A working group focusing on aquatic ecosystems and their responsiveness to human and climate impact was established. The working group AQUATIC TRANSITIONS will synthesize paleoecological records of change in aquatic systems both regionally […]
REAL public outreach: YorNight in York, UK
European Researchers’ Night was a mega event on the 26 September 2014, in 300 cities all across Europe. It showcased research to the public and highlighted how research is fun and influences daily life for all of us. YorNight is York’s contribution to this event and gave the opportunity to delve into the exciting and […]
REAL participates at YorNight outreach event in York, UK
YorNight at the University of York Date: 26 September 2014 Time: 4 pm – 9 pm Location: St Martin’s Church, York, United Kingdom REAL members alongside University of York archaeologists Louise Iles and Daryl Stump and members of the The Archaeology of Agricultural Resilience in Eastern Africa (AAREA) project, researchers from the Environment Department; Phil Platts and […]
International Swiss Climate Summer School
13th International Swiss Climate Summer School “Linking Land Use, Land Cover, and Climate” 31 August – 5 September 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland Scope The 13th International Swiss Climate Summer School was focused on the theme “Linking land use, land cover, and climate”. This theme had been chosen due to its paramount importance in terms of both […]
British Ecological Society – Tropical Ecosystems Group August 14-15, 2014
BES-TEG aimed at promoting and facilitating communication and interaction between tropical ecologists to enable inter-disciplinary transfer and development of knowledge and skills; and provides support for early career researchers while filling-in policy gaps. After six successful Early Career Research Meetings, BES-TEG are organizing a 7th meeting schedule to take place at the University of York, […]
Identification help: Freshwater bryozoa statoblast from East Africa
Identified! This is a statoblast of the species Lophopodella capensis or possibly Lophopodella stuhlmani. Some information on the distribution of this freshwater bryozoa can be found here. Bryozoa statoblasts like these were found in the late Holocene sediments of Nyabuiyabui Swamp, a freshwater swamp on the Mau Escarpment in Kenya, at 2900 m asl. If it is […]