REAL ESRs participated in the QGIS and R statistical analysis training held 10-14 February at Stockholm University. The QGIS training, organised by the department of Human Geography at Stockholm University included basic GIS exercises, followed by intermediate and advanced GIS analyses involving spatial data analysis, working with terrain data, and accessing public domain geographic data. […]
Maxmillian Chuhila contact info
Position: Marie Curie ITN-Early-Stage Researcher and PhD Candidate Address: University of Warwick History Department H029, Humanities Building CV4 7AL Coventry, Uk Email: or Website: Supervisor: Bio:
Uppsala hosts a kick-off meeting for REAL members
The Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Uppsala hosted a kick-off party from 19-23 November, 2013, giving all the members of the REAL Initial Training Network a chance to meet and discuss their ongoing and upcoming projects.