Position Postdoctoral researcher Address McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research University of Cambridge Cambridge Zero Maxwell Centre University of Cambridge Biography Nik was an Early Stage Researcher at Uppsala University and part of the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) Innovative Training Network. His PhD research focused on the human-environment relationships of the Ilchamus community in […]
Cambridge Archaeologists at Awards for Research Impact and Engagement
Images and text modified from: Cambridge Chronicles (2025) The Department of Archaeology and the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research are delighted to announce that Professor Gilly Carr, REAL project alumnus Dr Nik Petek-Sargeant and Stanley Jachike Onyemechalu were recognised at the recent Cambridge Awards for Research Impact and Engagement. See the original port on the University of Cambridge Department of […]
REAL project Final Report Archived in CORDIS
Resilience in East African Landscapes: Identifying critical thresholds and sustainable trajectories – past, present and future REAL Project Web Documentary “CHANGES” Project Information Grant agreement ID: 606879 Start date: 1 September 2013End date: 31 August 2017 Funded under Total cost € 3 968 063,33 Objectives (CORDIS) The strong temporal dynamics of the East African landscape […]
Pastoralists under Pressure exhibit in York
University Of York Open Lectures Date And Time Pastoralists under Pressure: Political, socioeconomic, and climate challenges in East Africa Fri, 8 Nov 2019, 18:30 GMT Add to Calendar Location Stephen Town Meeting Room, JB Morell Library, University of York, York, UK Description Population growth, climate change and environmental degradation are just some of the challenges […]
REAL Project Web Documentary “CHANGES” 2017
African Archaeology Research Day
Welcome to AARD 2017 We are pleased to invite you to the 2017 African Archaeology Research Day (AARD) meeting, which will be hosted on Saturday 25 November at the Department of Archaeology, University of York. The African Archaeology Research Day has been an annual event in the UK since 2002 and the first meeting held […]
Changes. A Web Documentary on the Resilience in East African Landscapes Project
A production by the REAL ITN & IIAC-CNRS/ EHESS 2017 It is our great pleasure to announce the release of the web documentary “Changes” that is based on the insights produced by the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) research and training network. The web documentary constitutes an interactive immersion into the research conducted by […]
REAL ITN hosts its final conference in Moshi
Landscape Transformations and Sustainable Trajectories in East Africa– Past, Present and Future On 11 -12 July 2017, the Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) ITN hosted its final conference “Landscape Transformations and Sustainable Trajectories in East Africa – Past, Present, Future” at Uhuru Hotel and Conference Centre in Moshi, Tanzania. The conference provided a forum […]
REAL web documentary preview in Nairobi
On 13 May 2017 the Alliance Francaise in Nairobi, in collaboration with IFRA, the REAL ITN, CNRS and the French Embassy, organized a mini film festival to explore the diversity of scientific documentary films. Part of the film screening was a preview of parts of the REAL web documentary that traces different ways of exploring […]
Field Diary Issue 2
The Challenges Undisclosed reflecting on the invisible experiences of doctoral fieldwork This special issue of Field Diary, guest edited by Liz Storer and Anna Shoemaker, is the second online publication in the Field Diary series produced by the REAL project. The mere invocation of ‘the field’ conjures up representations of adventure, understanding, challenges, deep connection and loneliness. […]
Results published on crowd-sourcing priority research questions for historical ecology
How can archaeology contribute to an ecologically sustainable future? In a paper published in the open access journal PLOS ONE titled Anthropological contributions to historical ecology: 50 questions, infinite prospects REAL project members Anna Shoemaker, Nik Petek and Paul Lane explore this issue. The paper presents the result of crowd-sourcing hundreds of key questions for historical ecology from researchers […]
Ethnogenesis and Surplus Food Production
New Article by Nik Petek and Paul Lane REAL researchers Nik Petek and Paul Lane have recently published an article on the ethnogenesis of the Ilchamus and the food production capacity of the irrigation system in Baringo. Have a look: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/2Xs9p5pQFKSrMS5Y3tEu/full
Trees and more: Bridging the gap between science and industry
REAL training with U&We and ZeroMission on Carbon Trading and Ecosystem Services on 20./21. October How can social and environmental science research be integrated into market approaches to sustainable development? What are the opportunities and risks involved? What do we gain by looking at research on human-environment interactions from a business perspective? As part of […]