PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE On 7-8 July 2016 The REAL team gathered at the University of Warwick to discuss the past, present and future of food security in Eastern Africa. The training workshop was held at the Global History & Culture Centre. The meeting started on Thursday 7 July with sessions on budget planning and research […]
Landscape Archaeology Conference
Several members of the REAL team are involved in organizing the 4th International Landscape Archaeology Conference, which will be held at Uppsala University on 23 – 25 August 2016. It is hosted by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History. Registration is open until 1 August 2016. REAL coordinator and researcher Paul Lane as well […]
Field Diary Special Issue: Call for Contributions
The Field Diary is a digital open-access newsletter that highlights and promotes the human perspective of conducting fieldwork anywhere in the world by all groups working for companies, government, development/conservation/missionary NGOs, security, graduate students, and academia. The first issue of the Field Diary brought together a collection of fieldwork-themed stories from many parts of the world including, Kenya, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, and New […]
REAL& ACC conservation workshop in Nairobi
On 30th March 216, the REAL ITN, in collaboration with the African Conservation Centre, held a workshop on the theme of “Ecosystem Dynamics, Conservation Practices and Land Use in East Africa” at the British Institute in Eastern Africa in Nairobi. The idea and aim of the workshop was to look at aspects of land use, […]
REAL Visits Mount Suswa Conservancy
March 31st is one of my most favourite field visits. It was most honourable to have almost the entire REAL group visit one of my field sites – Mount Suswa, after a conservation training in Nairobi. Not only was visiting Suswa a break from the city, it was an opportunity to visit a conservancy, one conservation […]
Field Diary Call for Contributions
The first issue of the Field Diary brought together a collection of fieldwork-themed stories from many parts of the world including, Kenya, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, and New Zealand. It is available here: The Field Diary is a digital open-access newsletter that highlights and promotes the human perspective of conducting fieldwork anywhere in the world by all groups working for companies, government, development/conservation/missionary […]
“People and Land” – The REAL magazine is out now!
We proudly present “People and Land” – a magazine published by the REAL research group! Stories about steaming landscapes, the life of a pollen grain, lost archives, cows on a bridge, forgotten peace, dung and mud and much more ……it’s all in there! In this collection of articles, the REAL Early Stage Researchers take you […]
Towards 50 Key Questions for Historical Ecology
On November 13-15th 2015 at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver Canada the New International Community for Historical Ecology (NICHE), the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Uppsala University, and the Integrated History and future of People on Earth research network sponsored the 2nd International Historical Ecology Meeting. Workshop Program The meeting was attended by REAL project members Anna Shoemaker, […]
Baringo Fieldwork Pt. 3 – The final step
Four months in the hot Baringo sun was not enough for the archaeological team of Baringo, so we returned for a third and final time. This time we wanted to blow everyone away with our discoveries and, by the end of the fieldwork in July, we surprised even ourselves. The fieldwork had everything: beautiful and […]
Excavations in Baringo, Fieldwork Pt. 2
From January to March, the extraordinary team exploring the archaeology around Lake Baringo set out on another adventure. Rather than endlessly walking through the landscape, discovering scatters of worked stone and shapely pottery, we returned to three sites we recorded during our previous fieldwork. The sites were subject to small excavations that uncovered a great […]
REAL attends ‘African Heritage Challenges: Development and Sustainability’
Paul Lane and Nik Petek attended the workshop ‘African Heritage Challenges: Development and Sustainability.’ It was hosted at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) in Cambridge from the 15th to the 16th of May. Paul Lane, who was invited as a plenary speaker, talked on the topic of ‘African […]
The REAL mid-term meeting was hosted at the University of Ghent by Prof. Dirk Veschuren and his team. A special thanks to Yoeri Torsy for arranging the details that made it such an enjoyable meeting. From the 15th-19th June 2015, the REAL team members spent time together updating each other on their research progress,discussed the […]