Position: Early-stage researcher Address: Email: Website:
Eric Mutisya Kioko
Bio: I am currently an Early Stage Researcher (ESR) of the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) pursuing my PhD in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Cologne. I completed my Master of Arts in Culture and Environment (CEA) at the same department and attained a Bachelor of Arts in […]
Anna Shoemaker
Mats Widgren contact info
Position: Professor Address: Department of Human Geography Stockholms Universitet SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden Email: mats.widgren@humangeo.su.se Website: Departmental website
Lowe Borjeson contact info
Position: Assistant Professor Address: Department of Human Geography Stockholms Universitet SE-106 91 Stockholm Sweden Email: Lowe.Borjeson@humangeo.su.se Website: Departmental website
David Anderson contact info
Position: Professor Address: Department of History University of Warwick Humanities Building, University Road Coventry CV4 7AL United Kingdom Email: D.M.Anderson@warwick.ac.uk Website: Departmental website