Generic Political Map of East Africa
Here is a generic map of East Africa made by Nick Deere from KITE (University of York) that can be used as a study aid to label and take notes on. [TIF file] [JPG file]
Olkaria Field Survey Report: 26 March-1 April 2014
By: Christine Adongo Photography: Benoit Hazard Edited by: Colin Courtney Mustaphi 30 June 2014 1.0 Introduction Within the framework of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network’s (ITN) Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL) project, a field-training course was proposed and implemented by Dr Benoit Hazard of EHESS. The goal of this training was to introduce […]
Project Overview – Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL)
Project summary The strong temporal dynamics of the East African landscape and natural-resource distributions have always encouraged people to innovate and adapt to changing conditions. However, the realities of current social and environmental changes are occurring at unprecedented rates and amplitudes. Increasing population growth, changes in patterns of land tenure, industrialization, weak systems of governance, […]
CHIESA Vegetation from space and from the ground Workshop
Between the 17th to 22nd March 2014, several members of the REAL group (Aynalem, Chris, Christine and Esther) participated in the Vegetation from space and from the ground workshop (KITE-CHIESA). This workshop was facilitated by Dr. Phil Platts and Dr. Marion Pfeifer. The course provided an introduction to the use of Earth Observation (EO) products in the […]
CLOSED Call for applicants: REAL project PhD at the University of York
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Department Environment Based at University of York – Heslington Campus Hours of work Full-time Contract status Fixed term Salary £37,822 – £40,687 a year Apply by 30/05/2014 Role Description [Job post LINK] The KITE research group in the Environment Department, University of York, has a research position in Environmental Modelling […]
Nyabuiyabui Swamp fieldwork
Nyabuiyabui swamp field work was carried out between 10-12/04/2014 by Colin Courtney Mustaphi, Esther Githumbi who were accompanied by Rebecca Muthoni (Intern at National Museums of Kenya) and Joseph Mutua (BIEA). Nyabuiyabui Swamp is located in Mau forest, Kiptunga block and permission to carry out the field work was granted by the KFS. It […]
Dr. Stephen M. Rucina
National Museums of Kenya – Earth Sciences Department – Palaeobotany and Palynology Section Dr. Rucina is a palynologist specialising in East African palaeoecology and is the head of the Palaeobotany and Palynology Section at the National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi. He completed a PhD at the University of York examining Late Quaternary palaeoenvironments of Mt. […]
Dr. Elizabeth Watson
University Senior Lecturer and Pybus Fellow of Newnham College, Department of Geography, Cambridge University, United Kingdom Liz Watson’s research focuses on the relations between livelihoods, institutions, environment and development in the drylands of the Horn of Africa. In Ethiopia, work in Konso examined the production and sustainability of its intensive agricultural terraced landscape, and focused […]
ER 1: (Wild?)fire
Marie Curie ITN Experienced Researcher: Dr. Colin Courtney Mustaphi Host Institution: University of York Institute for Tropical Ecosystems (KITE), Environment Department Duration: November 2013 to November 2015 Summary: Fire is an important disturbance in East African ecosystems , influencing community structure and function, species distributions, nutrient processes, and plays a role in global carbon cycle. Humans have […]
Geert van der Plas
Position: Early-stage researcher Address: Limnology Unit, Department of Biology, Ghent University K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Email: geert.vanderplas@ugent.be Website: UGent webpage LinkedIn profile Supervisor: Dirk Verschuren Bio: Hi, my name is Geert. I am attached to REAL as an ESR, based at Ghent University. I will be reconstructing past landscape and environmental changes in […]