REAL training with U&We and ZeroMission on Carbon Trading and Ecosystem Services on 20./21. October How can social and environmental science research be integrated into market approaches to sustainable development? What are the opportunities and risks involved? What do we gain by looking at research on human-environment interactions from a business perspective? As part of […]
Researchers study future of Kenya’s ‘last big mountain forest’ | CIFOR Forests News Blog
Researchers study future of Kenya’s ‘last big mountain forest’ | CIFOR Forests News Blog.
Researchers study future of Kenya’s ‘last big mountain forest’ | CIFOR Forests News Blog
NAIROBI, Kenya — One forest, myriad functions. The pressure on Kenya’s Mau Forest and the land-use changes occurring in and around it are among the most pressing environmental issues facing the country today, raising questions about the future of the forest—and of the millions of people who depend on the services and products it provides. […]