New publication Cores from the high-elevation lake, Oblong Tarn, on Mount Kenya near the Cesar and Josef Glaciers, were collected in 1983 and 1985 by a team from Stockholm University led by Wibjorn Karlen. Then again a team from Gent University led by Dirk Verschuren collected additional cores in 2010. Pollen counts from the cores […]
African Archaeology Research Day
Welcome to AARD 2017 We are pleased to invite you to the 2017 African Archaeology Research Day (AARD) meeting, which will be hosted on Saturday 25 November at the Department of Archaeology, University of York. The African Archaeology Research Day has been an annual event in the UK since 2002 and the first meeting held […]
Swedish Research Council funded Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change Project & Publications
The Vetenskapsrådet (VR, Swedish Research Council) in association with Sida and Formas has funded a multiyear project titled ‘Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change‘ that runs parallel and has overlapping focal areas to the REAL project. The grant forms part of the VR/Sida/Formas Sustainability and resilience – Tackling climate and environmental change research programme. The […]
New data paper in Open Quaternary
By: Colin Courtney Mustaphi, 6 June 2015 Courtney Mustaphi, C J, Gedalof, Z, Daniels, L D and Pisaric, M F J. 2015. Paleoecological and Sedimentological Data from: “A Classification for Macroscopic Charcoal Morphologies Found in Holocene Lacustrine Sediments”. Open Quaternary, 1: 5, DOI: This paper presents and archives the data set used in the study: Courtney Mustaphi, […]
Palaeoenvironmental site map
Interactive map of palaeoenvironmental sites in East Africa. Click the sites to find the relevant published studies and access the papers. An index list of sites can be found by clicking the box at the top left corner of the map. version 001 Colin Courtney Mustaphi 15 December 2014 Sites and references Amani Pond Mumbi […]
Sieved charcoal analysis of sediments
LAB PROTOCOLS Wet sieved charcoal analysis By: Colin J. Courtney Mustaphi January 22, 2014; November 3, 2020 Sieved charcoal analysis can be performed at various depths down core to examine broad changes in macroscopic charcoal deposition or contiguously subsampled down core at a high resolution to reconstruct fire episodes and to estimate fire return intervals […]