REAL had a stream of three panels on the temporal, spatial and social dynamics of human-landscape interactions in East Africa at the African Studies Association of the UK 2016 conference at University of Cambridge in September 2016. The panels were themed ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘future’, providing different temporal frames for the REAL ESRs to present […]
New data paper in Open Quaternary
By: Colin Courtney Mustaphi, 6 June 2015 Courtney Mustaphi, C J, Gedalof, Z, Daniels, L D and Pisaric, M F J. 2015. Paleoecological and Sedimentological Data from: “A Classification for Macroscopic Charcoal Morphologies Found in Holocene Lacustrine Sediments”. Open Quaternary, 1: 5, DOI: This paper presents and archives the data set used in the study: Courtney Mustaphi, […]
The 2nd field season for the York REAL team begun in February 2015 with visits and meetings at various institutions for possible collaboration and networking. Esther Githumbi met with the Kenya CIFOR team Mariana Rufino and Alphonse on the 16th of February at their ILRI office on their ongoing research in the Mau ecosystem to […]
Rebecca Kariuki contact and bio
Biography: Rebecca Kariuki is a currently a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at the School of Sustainability and the College of Global Futures in Arizona State University, USA. She is also an affiliate of the African Academy of Sciences, Nairobi, Kenya and a Climate Change Fellow at the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Kigali, Rwanda. After […]
ER 1: (Wild?)fire
Marie Curie ITN Experienced Researcher: Dr. Colin Courtney Mustaphi Host Institution: University of York Institute for Tropical Ecosystems (KITE), Environment Department Duration: November 2013 to November 2015 Summary: Fire is an important disturbance in East African ecosystems , influencing community structure and function, species distributions, nutrient processes, and plays a role in global carbon cycle. Humans have […]
Resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin
Over January 8-10, 2014, the Global South Studies Center at the University of Cologne hosted a conference and brought together many members of the REAL team and other researchers working in East Africa. The focus was social-ecological transitions, exchange and emergence: resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin and adjoining highlands. The program is […]
Geert van der Plas
Position: Early-stage researcher Address: Limnology Unit, Department of Biology, Ghent University K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Email: Website: UGent webpage LinkedIn profile Supervisor: Dirk Verschuren Bio: Hi, my name is Geert. I am attached to REAL as an ESR, based at Ghent University. I will be reconstructing past landscape and environmental changes in […]
Dirk Verschuren contact info
Position: Professor, Head of Limnology Unit, Ghent University, Coordinating team in REAL project Address: Ghent University Department of Biology Limnology Research Unit. K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35 L10 9000 Gent Email: Website: UGent Limnology Publications:
Resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin
Over January 8-10, 2014, the Global South Studies Center at the University of Cologne hosted a conference and brought together many members of the REAL team and other researchers working in East Africa. The focus was social-ecological transitions, exchange and emergence: resilience and vulnerability in the wider Baringo basin and adjoining highlands. The […]