The Vetenskapsrådet (VR, Swedish Research Council) in association with Sida and Formas has funded a multiyear project titled ‘Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change‘ that runs parallel and has overlapping focal areas to the REAL project. The grant forms part of the VR/Sida/Formas Sustainability and resilience – Tackling climate and environmental change research programme. The […]
REAL attends ‘African Heritage Challenges: Development and Sustainability’
Paul Lane and Nik Petek attended the workshop ‘African Heritage Challenges: Development and Sustainability.’ It was hosted at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) in Cambridge from the 15th to the 16th of May. Paul Lane, who was invited as a plenary speaker, talked on the topic of ‘African […]
Project Overview – Resilience in East African Landscapes (REAL)
Project summary The strong temporal dynamics of the East African landscape and natural-resource distributions have always encouraged people to innovate and adapt to changing conditions. However, the realities of current social and environmental changes are occurring at unprecedented rates and amplitudes. Increasing population growth, changes in patterns of land tenure, industrialization, weak systems of governance, […]