Beginning with a view to the SSW, with Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania visible on the horizon, the camera does a 360 view, then looks down at the south end of the swamp and flies north, where the water is channelled out for irrigation farming.
Researchers study future of Kenya’s ‘last big mountain forest’ | CIFOR Forests News Blog
Researchers study future of Kenya’s ‘last big mountain forest’ | CIFOR Forests News Blog.
Payments for Ecosystem Services meeting – University of Leeds
By: Colin J. Courtney Mustaphi 20 January 2015 York, UK Introduction: On 19 January 2015 researchers from across the United Kingdom and elsewhere took part in discussions on the social, ecological, and economic contexts for payments for ecosystem services in developing nations as well as within the United Kingdom. The workshop was convened at the […]
Researchers study future of Kenya’s ‘last big mountain forest’ | CIFOR Forests News Blog
NAIROBI, Kenya — One forest, myriad functions. The pressure on Kenya’s Mau Forest and the land-use changes occurring in and around it are among the most pressing environmental issues facing the country today, raising questions about the future of the forest—and of the millions of people who depend on the services and products it provides. […]
Palaeoenvironmental site map
Interactive map of palaeoenvironmental sites in East Africa. Click the sites to find the relevant published studies and access the papers. An index list of sites can be found by clicking the box at the top left corner of the map. version 001 Colin Courtney Mustaphi 15 December 2014 Sites and references Amani Pond Mumbi […]
International Swiss Climate Summer School
13th International Swiss Climate Summer School “Linking Land Use, Land Cover, and Climate” 31 August – 5 September 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland Scope The 13th International Swiss Climate Summer School was focused on the theme “Linking land use, land cover, and climate”. This theme had been chosen due to its paramount importance in terms of both […]